I believe that the small things in life are the ones that matters the most. I had a great (very short) moment earlier today. Nothing big but it still gives you the smile that keeps you for the rest of the day (well, at least for a while).
This morning i left home to go to the denist, btw well done-thank you. I was walking next to a big road "Malta big road" and was about to cross the street by a crossing. There is a car comin from both ways, so two cars comin.. Then, from nowhere theres a ball comin, bouncing in the middle of the street, it was one of these fake-football balls, red with black patches. I think it came from the sky... Anyways, both of the cars just stops-chocked by the situation and the big bouncing ball coming from nowhere.
Then, this ball-situation is over and the ball is instead rolling down the street, between the cars (i dont think its round anymore). I realize that its over and decides to actually cross the streeet now, about time. This is when it happens: On the other side of the street there is this old woman standing and she has been watching the same thing as me and when our eyes met, we understood that we both saw the same thing and had the same thoughts about this ball-situation. We look at eachother, smiles and just laughs. That one moment when we smiled and laughed just made my day. Small things do matter.
This thing took maybe 3-5 seconds.
Today is also a very special day-a totally different thing. Tonight there is a Blue moon, not just a Full moon :) Its gonna be a good night/morning at ghajn tuffieha with amazing people.
See you there **